Russell Simmons and Brett Ratner Accused of Teaming Up to Carry Out Sexual Misconduct.

Russell Simmons and Brett Ratner Accused of Teaming Up to Carry Out Sexual Misconduct.

Russell Simmons is the latest Hollywood power player to be accused of sexual assault—allegedly with Brett Ratner.

In a Los Angeles Times piece published on Sunday, Ratner, who recently faced other harassment allegations, is accused of working together with Simmons, co-founder of Def Jam Recordings, to carry out sexual misconduct against women. The news comes amid a rise in similar accusations against celebs and non-famous people, inspired by many launched against Harvey Weinstein, who has denied taking part in non-consensual sex.

In the article, the L.A. Times reports that model Keri Claussen Khalighi accused Simmons of coercing her into performing oral sex on him in 1991. Khaligi also claims that Simmons’ former protege, Brett Ratner, watched.

“I completely and unequivocally deny the horrendous allegations of non-consensual sex against me with every fiber of my being,” Simmons said in a statement to E! News on Sunday, adding that he is a “supporter of the #MeToo campaign and the victims who were previously terrified to stand up and speak out against sexual misconduct.”


Khalighi, 43, told The Los Angeles Times, which first reported about past allegations against Ratner, that when she was a 17-year-old model, she met Ratner and Simmons at a casting call, went to dinner with them and returned with them to Simmons’ apartment to watch a music video they’d been working on. She said Simmons made aggressive sexual advances and yanked off her clothes, after which she “looked over at Brett and said ‘help me.’

“And I’ll never forget the look on his face,” she told the newspaper. “In that moment, the realization fell on me that they were in it together.”

Khalighi said that Simmons tried to force her to have sexual intercourse and that she “fought it wildly” until he relented and coerced her to perform oral sex. She said Ratner “just sat there and watched.”

She said she then went to take a shower and that Simmons then walked up behind her and had sex with her without her content.

“Everything that happened between us 26 years ago was completely consensual and with Keri’s full participation,” Simmons said in his statement. “We spent time in my apartment over a period of two days and one night, as well as at some public places including Nell’s Nightclub. Much of the time we were in the presence of other acquaintances. I’m deeply saddened and truly shocked to learn of Keri’s assertions as to what happened over the course of that weekend.”

Simmons also tweeted out a statement refuting the claims on Sunday.

Ratner’s attorney told the Los Angeles Times that the producer had “no recollection” of Khalighi asking him for help and denied witnessing her “protest.”


from NaijaExclusive
Russell Simmons and Brett Ratner Accused of Teaming Up to Carry Out Sexual Misconduct. Russell Simmons and Brett Ratner Accused of Teaming Up to Carry Out Sexual Misconduct. Reviewed by flexysong on November 20, 2017 Rating: 5

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